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If you like florida,cars,dogs,questions you would like this website.Please look below for the discribed.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Drive to Florida

Drive to Florida

How we could make Toronto a better place

We can make Toronto a better place by not littering. If each person throws thier trash in the garbage we would have a much cleaner city. We also need the manufactuers to stop making products with too much packaging. So lets all do our parts. Dont litter or I will hunt you down!




I love cars but when cars are old i go nuts.If you like cars add me on face book and we could talk about it of I have time.

what I do when I go to florida

When I go to florida I go to a resort called the Fountanins and the pool is bigger then any resort pool accept for Disney 's pool.Every year I go to Florida The first time I took a plane and stayed at a place called Orange lake but the pool was allmost the size of the Fountains.the next years I went I stayed at the Fountains. This year I will go to Guyana then Cuba then Florida.Every year I go to Florida I go to Disney,Sea world,Universial studios.It is realy fun going to Florida.But this year I will find out about guyana and cuba.but till then I will have as much fun i can possibly have peace to you all.

About my drive to florida

My drive to florida was real long but fun I played games with my sister and looked out side and saw lots of cool stuff.But I allsowent to museum's and stayed at hottels.And I hope you go to flori da but dont take a plane.

Crazy frog sucks

you see every body hates crazy frog.

